Screening tools Resources

11 November 2013

This article discusses nutrition in relation to patients in the community who are living with venous leg ulcers. The author explores the complex issues surrounding the care of this patient group, which is predominantly made up of older people who often have several underlying medical conditions and may live alone in their own homes or in supported residential settings. The article covers the physiology and aetiology of venous leg ulcers and explores how nutrition plays a role in the healing process. It advocates a holistic approach, taking into account the many factors involved when considering nutritional status and suggests interventions that are available to nurses and healthcare professionals working in the community.

Jennifer Lunnon is a staff nurse in the Intensive Care Unit, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

Topics:  Screening tools

State Registered Dietician Claire Wright discusses the extent of undernutrition in the community and challenges of nutritional screening in sick and elderly patients.
Claire Wright BSc, SRD, MPhil., Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics,
Dept. of Biological Sciences, Chester College, Parkgate Road, Chester, CH4 1BJ.
Article accepted for publication February 2002.
Acknowledgement: The author gratefully acknowledges the guidance and information provided by the Malnutrition Advisory Group and Professor Marinos Elia, Institute of Human Nutrition, Southampton. For further information on MAG contact Tom Thorpe on 0207 3091127.

Suzanne Williams gives an overview of a proposal to pilot a standard for screening the nutritional status of the over 65s. Suzanne Williams RGN, BSc Hons, District Nursing is a Community Matron, Norwich PCT. Article accepted for publication: February 2005

Topics:  Assessment