Reflective practice Resources

06 November 2013

Self-directed learning and reflective practice are crucial tools for the community nurse, who may often work in isolation and without the help or guidance of colleagues. Community nurses are required to use independent study skills and reflection to identify their learning and professional needs. This article looks at the development of a reflective grid as a learning tool to support and facilitate reflective and self directed learning. It is hoped that the techniques detailed here can help those students and nurses who are still developing their reflective and critical skills, or find reflection difficult. The grid was also designed to facilitate a quick and easy analysis before an in-depth study of an experience, or as a stand-alone model for short reflections.

Marian Judd, Health Visitor/Practice Teacher, Great Western Hospital Trust, Swindon

Lesley Adcock discusses the aims and rationale behind the concept of clinical supervision and considers factors which contribute to its effective implementation.

Jackie Morton describes a research study which utilised a model of reflective practice and identified factors seen as important in the leadership of community based nurses and health visitors.