Patient empowerment Resources

10 July 2012

In a short reflective exercise, the introduction of disposable Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) was shown to improve the patient experience of being managed in the community with a complex wound. District nurses and treatment room staff found the system easy to use and in their view, it extended the interval required between dressing changes and time taken to carry out wound care. This article considers the benefits of NPWT, illustrating these with patient reflections and comments.

Lynne Watret RGN, MA, MN, PGCert TLHE CNS Tissue Viability, Primary Care, Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board.

Article accepted for publication: January 2012

Ellie Lindsay discusses the need for community nurses to address the research-practice gap and incorporate evidence based findings into their daily work.
Ellie Lindsay BSc (Hons), RN, DN, CPT, Dip HE is a Independent Specialist Practitioner and Associate Lecturer CRICP, Thames Valley University, London; Ellie also is a Visiting Fellow, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Article accepted for publication: June 2005
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