Community Matters Resources

01 April 2021
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice.
Topics:  Wound Care
05 February 2021
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, we look at the 'Public health risks of air pollution'.
Topics:  Public Health
01 December 2020
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community
practice. Here, we ask... how can community nurses support carers?
Topics:  Covid-19
01 October 2020
In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice.
Topics:  Wound Care
10 August 2020

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Alison Hopkins MBE, chief executive, Accelerate, explores - Why optimising therapeutic compression is essential.

10 August 2020

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Alison Hopkins MBE, chief executive, Accelerate, explores - Why optimising therapeutic compression is essential.

10 August 2020

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, Alison Hopkins MBE, chief executive, Accelerate, explores - Why optimising therapeutic compression is essential.

11 February 2020

The current state of district nursing reminds me of the Rocky films of the 70s and 80s, where the plucky young boxer repeatedly climbs off the canvas to battle on while taking hit after hit, seemingly oblivious to pain and humiliation. While district nurses might not view themselves as heroes of the silver screen, the way they have absorbed blow after blow in recent years but continue to turn up and provide a service for patients deserves a Hollywood script all of its own.

19 December 2019

In each issue we investigate a hot topic currently affecting you and your community practice. Here, we ask "What will the Year of the Nurse and Midwife mean for the UK’s community staff?"