Duty of care Resources

Connie Adsett & Anne Maddock discuss the process of change involved in the trial of a systematic medication incident management system in Australia
Connie Adsett, RN, is a Clinical Nurse Consultant, Northern Public Programs, Royal District Nursing Service of South Australia.
Anne Maddock RN, RM, BSc, MSc (Primary Health Care), Royal District Nursing Service, South Australia.
Article accepted for publication: December 2003

Topics:  Duty of care

Joanne Reynolds explores the topic of risk management, focusing on risk assessment.

Joanne Reynolds RN (Adult), DipHE, BSc(Hons), RNT, MSc, Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing). District Nurse, Liverpool Primary Care Trust.

Article accepted for publication: August 2009

Topics:  Duty of care