Anxiety Resources

04 May 2018

Anxiety disorders are common amongst elderly housebound clients and are undertreated with detrimental effects to this population. Effective treatment for anxiety includes access to a talking therapy. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for anxiety is proven to be successful and has a low r elapse rate. Elderly housebound clients have poor access to talking therapies which compounds existing health inequalities. District and community nurses could be instrumental in enabling elderly housebound clients to have access to CBT approaches for the treatment of anxiety at an early stage, which could gr eatly improve outcomes.

Topics:  Anxiety
04 April 2014

Chronic wounds have many psychosocial consequences, including stress, negative mood, pain, and social isolation. In addition to these, frequent dressing changes can cause the individual anxiety and stress. This article explores how wound management can influence both psychological outcomes and, potentially, the rate of healing. Implications for practice are identified, which need to be successfully employed to ensure that patient health is maximised and that the stress and pain associated with wound care are minimised in order that wound healing is improved.

Topics:  Pain