Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2019

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Indwelling urinary catheterisation: current best practice

Indwelling urinary catheterisation: current best practice

Article topics: Best practice guidance, Catheter blockage, Catheter management, Innovations in catheter care, Urinary catheterisation

Indwelling urinary catheterisation is a common procedure especially within a community setting. However, healthcare professionals are sometimes unaware of what is current best evidenced-based practice. This article outlines the clinical indicators for insertion of a urinary catheter, rationale for catheter selection, including Charrière (Ch) or French gauge (Fg), length, balloon size and material of choice including any coating. Catheter insertion requirements are outlined and drainage and supporting/securing devices discussed. Complications of indwelling catheters, such as catheter-associated infections and encrustation are also discussed with recommendations for treating, and, finally, new innovations which may benefit in future care are identified — all with reference to current national guidance and best clinical evidence-based practice.

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